Our Values


The SESGE establishes a firm commitment to the most balanced Humanism possible, where the values ​​of Freedom, Justice, Moral Prestige and Economic Development are the ultimate goals that guide its actions. For this, it will use the so-called REFERENTIAL PATTERN OF UNIVERSAL VALUES, based on the satisfaction of human needs made up of the following nine values: HEALTH, MATERIAL WEALTH, SECURITY, KNOWLEDGE, FREEDOM, DISTRIBUTIVE JUSTICE, NATURE CONSERVATION AND MORAL PRESTIGE.

The SESGE is a non-profit institution that seeks to extend its organizational influence towards the achievement of these objectives close to all kinds of social groups such as the family, groups, companies or political institutions, organized as systems, that pursue optimizing the “ends achieved”/ “means used” ratio, thus obeying the ecological principle of minimizing natural energy consumption in all actions. Your means of influence will be written publications, consultancy and the organization of events.

For SESGE, the systemic and therefore interrelated relationships established between the people who make up these organizations will always be based on their solidarity and commitment to achieve these values.


Three characteristics stand out in the systemic approach advocated by SESGE:

  • 1. It is based on the IMBALANCES of the "value systems" produced by social organizations. And since these only seek to satisfy "human needs", the systemic approach is inalienably HUMANIST.

  • 2. The SESGE uses a quantitative approach based on moving from the theoretical dimensions of the concepts to their possible empirical indicators, always searching for standardized and comparable indices of organizational efficiency. This is what happens, for example, when the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility is expressed in a global index by integrating its various social and economic sub-indices produced during management.

  • 3. The SESGE thus attempts to overcome the apparent antithesis or paradox of QUANTIFYING THE HUMAN; and for this reason its main MISSION cannot be other than trying to quantify the most significant human relationships within social organizations.